the e.mbrace movement

Welcome to

the e.mbrace movement

e.mbrace our social cause, the change for a more positive humanity and the creation of a family that encourages, practices and lives by the e.mbrace principles and creates care giving through connecting community via collaboration 

"entering a World that acquires meaning only through ACTIVE, CONSCIOUS Awareness and PARTICIPATION"

Why Choose Us?

Welcome to the e. movement

The e.mbrace movement has been created from years of professional and personal experience in the highs and lows of navigating life as it presents to us each day. 

In a world of change, socially and physically like we have not seen before, e.mbracing the core foundations of values and humanity are needed more than ever, and participating in the e. movement and supporting ourselves and our fellow neighbours, we can practice and promote positivity.

e.mbrace the social cause, the change for a more positive humanity and the creation of a family that encourages, practices and lives by the e.mbrace principles

"Entering a World that acquires meaning only through ACTIVE, CONSCIOUS Awareness and PARTICIPATION"

"The celebration of the sacrament of reconciliation is to be wrapped in a warm embrace"

Pope Francis - Jorje Mario Bergoglio
World Leader

About Us

Matt Palmer

e.mbracer and Store owner




Adelaide, South Australia 5000

Adelaide, South Australia 5000